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Wash Your Hands

Friday March 27, 2020

How are we all doing?

Time to check in with friends and maybe an old classmate!

I had a wonderful facetime chat today with a fellow former Trooper I had not seen in 30 years. It was like we had never stopped the last conversation we had. Of course, we caught up on births, marriages, kids, grandkids, but the real blessing was the connection that nothing has broken…except the busyness of life!

We have an opportunity to reset…learn a skill, read the classics again (or for the fist time) maybe take up painting or just go for a quiet walk in the woods, write letters make that call you have been putting off.

Isn’t is amazing that the powers of the world have argued and fought for years over the “reality” of climate change…the “Need” for environmental protections and ALWAYS it boils down to money…who will gain, who will lose, and we get nowhere. But…a microscopic virus, something we cannot even see without a microscope had caused the world…read that again…the WORLD… to slow down and breathe.

As Christians, we know something about the unseen. None of us has seen God, Jesus, the Spirit…yet we know that there is power and value in the lessons that have been handed down through the ages.

We know the power of the unseen. We know how an unseen power…the Spirit…can affect and effect the world we live in.

In this time of uncertainty:

Trust the Scientists, they can help us understand this virus

Trust the Doctors, they can help to cure us when disaster strikes

Trust the words of your mother “wash your hands”, she was right!

Trust the Politicians and Leaders when they issue rules that keep us safe,

But trust in your Faith in whatever you believe that is bigger than you to be with you, next to you through all of this.

This is the Wisdom to which we are heirs. Let us embrace it with our eyes wide open to the realities of science, medicine, physics and the laws of nature for they are all a wonder of creation. The creation of which we are all a part. Working together-yet apart- we are greater than this virus and we will prevail.

Peace and Blessings to you all.


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